Convert more customers with smart FAQs

Embed FAQs to your online store in minutes with no coding. Save time spent on handling customer questions.

No credit card required, start free.
Can I create same beautiful FAQs for my website?
You can make your FAQs bold, italic or underlined. In your FAQs you can effortlessly share links or change colors. Try also other features... Your customers will love them! 🎉
How much will it cost me?
EasyFAQ costs next to nothing and saves you a lot of time. You build more trust with your customers and get more sales. EasyFAQs can be on your website within seconds. See pricing.
I have other question

Works with every website

Easy FAQs plugin for Webflow
Easy FAQs plugin for Wix
Easy FAQs plugin for Wordpress
Easy FAQs plugin for Shopify
Easy FAQs plugin for WooCommerce
Easy FAQs plugin for HTML
Easy FAQs plugin for SquareSpace
Easy FAQs plugin for Shoptet
Easy FAQs plugin for undefined
Easy FAQs plugin for undefined
Easy FAQs plugin for undefined
Easy FAQs plugin for undefined
Easy FAQs plugin for undefined
Easy FAQs plugin for undefined
Easy FAQs plugin for undefined
Easy FAQs plugin for undefined

Customers leaving without sales?
Answer questions upfront, build trust, and convert more.

Well-tuned FAQs will increase your conversions by up to 18% a bonus, you won't be annoyed by repetitive questions.

You don't need coding skills

You don’t have to code to build beautiful FAQ page! Create FAQs seamlessly and paste anywhere on your website. And if the question is not answered, let customers email you.

Build trust, increase your sales

Answer questions instantly to get the sale, avoid bounces, and increase your conversions. Good FAQs support customer relationship and build trust.

Search engines love your FAQs

There is knowledge in FAQs and your SEO ranking will easily increase. Make it to the top on the Google search.

Anne from is amazed by Frequently asked questions created in

"It was so easy to create FAQs using EasyFAQ, it took literally a minute or two and we had it on our website.

After a few weeks of use, we have noticeably more orders and are ranking better in Google searches.

Most importantly, we spend much less time on customer questions, instead focusing on our growing business."

Anne from TopKasa

Frequently asked questions

Start building your FAQs today, in just 2 minutes

“We spend much less time on customer questions,
instead focusing on our growing business - Anne from TopKasa