How to increase sales and conversions for free with FAQs

⏰ 3 min read
How to write FAQs to increase sales and conversions | EasyFAQ


It’s no exaggeration to say your FAQs are among the most important and most searched part of your page. It is because they act like 24/7 support centers and also serve to educate potential customers who are exploring your service or product. Your main focus should be on how you can help your customers to find the right answers they need quickly and without fluff.

Nowadays, customers are incredibly busy – they want to get a fast, clear and accurate answer to their question. Let's help you to find out what principles you should follow to write FAQs in a way that will increase your sales even when you sleep. You don't want to just fill empty space on your page do you?

Let's go through our proven tips:


  1. Focus on customer’s risk-avoidance mentality
  2. Maybe people who are visiting your site are just about to become your customers. Build trust and enhance knowledge about your product or shopping with you. Questions like “What if I want to switch from Pro plan to Free plan?” or “How long will it take me to receive the product?” are relevant for them.


  3. Write about the product or service customers are about to buy not about the company
  4. No one is interested in general questions about the company. It would be better if you use the “About” page for this intro. 


  5. Keep it simple so customers can understand you better
  6. Write questions from the point of view of your customer. Don't use fancy words or slang. Start your answer to yes/no questions with a clear “yes” or “no” and then continue. Easy peasy straight to the point. Keep them in logical order and as short as possible. No one has time to read your essay 🙃. 


  7. Include SEO optimized words
  8. If you use keywords as anchor texts for some questions, you can help these questions appear in search engine rankings. You want your website to rank high on Google or Bing. Good content is not enough. Try to compare similar words on Google Analytics before you use them and you will see the difference in your page traffic.


  9. Be personal
  10. Use words like “I” or “my”. Your customer will automatically think “Well, ok, this answer is addressed to me. Your FAQs can be used with the same spirit like 1:1 conversation via phone. 

    “How do I find my perfect t-shirt size?

    And then include “we” for the answer to represent your company.

    “No problem! Check this size chart which we have prepared especially for you.”

    Sounds nice doesn't it? 😊


  11. Don't be boring
  12. Your FAQs shouldn't be just easy to read. You can do better! Include links, colors, fonts or emojis 🎉. Customers love that and it will also help them to find what they are looking for quickly. Make it visual. With EasyFAQ no problem!  


  13. And what if they have other questions?
  14. Nothing is more frustrating for your customers than when they are not able to find the right answer. It is highly recommended to include a call to action box. Simply allow your customers to contact you and be transparent.


FAQs play an important role in the overall customer experience. A great experience is one of the fastest ways to turn a prospect into a customer. All without having to contact you… and who doesn’t want that?

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